Our large fleet of modern aircraft will get you familiar with state-of-the-art technology and keep you safe. Featuring Garmin G1000 avionics.
Cessna 172 — G1000
The Skyhawk is the most popular single-engine aircraft ever built and has achieved a reputation for being the ultimate training aircraft.
With simplistic flight characteristics, great visibility, and a sophisticated glass cockpit outfitted with Garmin G1000 avionics, the Cessna Skyhawk piston boasts a slow landing speed and a lenient stall. These characteristics make it a flight training favorite ideally suited for student pilots and it’s perfectly designed to help you soar.
*Call for pricing. Block rates and program discounts are available.
Piper Seminole — G1000
Hands down, it’s the best twin-engine trainer available anywhere. The Seminole exceeds expectations with its reliability, durability and value. Generations of pilots have trained in the Seminole, but this Seminole is generations ahead with its tried-and-true construction, power plants, handling capabilities, and standard Garmin G1000® NXi flight deck. Sure, there are other twin-engine trainers, but nothing competes with the Seminole.
*Call for pricing. Training rates available.